Research and Professional Development
In the decades ahead the United States greatest overseas interests, both opportunities and challenges, will be in Asia. Indeed, with the continued rise of China, Russia’s growing assertiveness and strategic relationship with China, the ongoing threat from North Korea, and major geopolitical changes taking place in Southeast Asia and around the Indian Ocean the United States must be prepared to navigate complex security dynamics in the region. Consequently, the United States requires the highest-quality information and analysis on Indo-Pacific affairs and for this purpose needs to build stronger bridges between academe and the policy community.
To achieve this, the National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR) and the Institute for National Security Studies at National Defense University (NDU) organize the National Asia Research Program (NARP), a major nationwide research and conference program designed to reinvigorate and advance the policy-relevant study of contemporary Asia.
NARP Fellows
The Advisory Council for NARP 2019 selected 20 fellows in a competitive, nationwide process, to conduct policy-relevant research on national security issues. Learn more about the fellows.

Asia Policy Assembly
The National Asia Research Program 2019 culminated in a major policy and academic conference on June 18–19 in Washington, D.C. The conference brought together top experts from the academic, philanthropic, and policymaking communities to address issues of strategic importance to U.S. interests in Asia. See video and summaries of Asia Policy Assembly 2019.

Research and Publications
NARP Fellows presented their tentative research findings during the Asia Policy Assembly and will eventually publish their research findings in peer-reviewed academic and policy journals. See the research topics and abstracts.

Training Seminar
At a two-day seminar in March, held in Washington, D.C., the 2019 NARP Fellows received training from the program’s senior advisors, former and current policymakers, and editors on how to effectively conduct and relay policy-relevant research. At the seminar, the fellows also presented and discussed their preliminary research topics.

Program Components
For an overview of the key components of the National Asia Research Program, download the brochure.